Sabtu, 14 April 2012

Create a Simple Teleprompter

It is possible to build a teleprompter works with your home computer, some software, a cable and a monitor is similar to the teleprompters used by professional television new anchors and politicians. The notable difference is that your screen teleprompter will be next to the camera, then only a professional screen teleprompter uses the one-way glass and is actually placed in front of the camera.

Will need things You : Teleprompter software Monitor with VGA, VGA cable

1. download or purchase software teleprompter. This is a program that will scroll your text to the screen so you can read the words while you appear on camera. There are several programmes of sale, but why pay for one when you can download a free program called prompter  "Prompt! "? A link is provided in the resources section.

2. Install the software teleprompter on your computer and enter the text you want to read out your teleprompter. Write your text in a familiar tone with short sentences and active verbs. Many texts that sound when read you yourself don ' t sound so good when read you aloud.

3. find a monitor with a VGA input. This can be a computer monitor or television. Should be on the side, at least 13 inches wide. Place this just below the camera monitor. If you use a small portable camera and a large monitor, you can insert the camera monitor.

4. we have a long VGA cable, which can stretch from your computer to the monitor. If your computer is in addition to a monitor, you will need about still-foot VGA cable. Connect one end to the VGA output on your computer and the other end into the monitor. You can use your portable computer how to start the reader program and act as the monitor. It will save you the trouble of setting up your monitor and using a cable. However, the portable computer screen have tended to be small. If the words are too small for you to see, then the reader you use.

5. position yourself from a teleprompter and cameras at least 10 feet because teleprompter at langklong. You're actually looking at the camera when you're saving this if you are too close to the teleprompter is farther than it would be noticed.

16 komentar:

  1. thanks for information ...

    I came to back smiling at you, my friend ... :)

  2. smile back to u my frnd.... wow, this is the nice post, i hope succes to u...

  3. Kunjungan perdana mas...Blognya bagus

  4. Good evening,Thank you for your visit :)

  5. wow nice blog and i like it post

  6. Hello my friend ! I wish you a wonderful wednesday. Greetings from Rio deJaneiro/Brasil
    Thanks for visiting! Come again!

  7. mantap,...
    bagi link softwere propter(free)
    thk u
