Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

“AVFEST 2012” Lomba Film Pendek

“AVFEST 2012
Lomba Film Pendek

Persyaratan Lomba
  1. Pendaftaran tidak dipungut biaya sama sekali
  2. Peserta wajib mengisi dan menyerahkan formulir pendaftaran.
  3. Peserta boleh terdiri dari individu ataupun kelompok. (Jumlah anggota kelompok bebas )
  4. Film yang diikutsertakan bertema bebas.
  5. Tahun Produksi Film minimal tahun 2010.
  6. Film dikirim dalam 2 keping DVD : DVD File (VOB) dan file (MPEG, AVI, MOV)
  7. Peserta wajib menyertakan skenario film pendek tersebut.
  8. Bahasa yang dapat digunakan di dalam keseluruhan film adalah bahasa Indonesia, bahasa asing, maupun bahasa daerah. Jika menggunakan bahasa asing atau bahasa daerah diwajibkan untuk mencantumkan terjemahan atau subtitle bahasa Indonesia.
  9. Film tidak mengandung SARA.
  10. Setiap peserta yang terdaftar boleh mengikutsertakan lebih dari satu (1) buah film.
  11. 15 karya film terbaik akan diputar pada tanggal 30 November 2012.
  12. Pendaftaran dan pengiriman karya dimulai pada tanggal 20 Mei - 30 Agustus 2012
  13. Formulir dapat di Download di
Web AVIKOM                         : avikom.co.nr
Web AVFEST                          : avfest.cjb.net
atau datang langsung di sekretariatan AVIKOM. Gedung gatot subroto lt.1 kampus II  FISIP UPN VETERAN YOGYAKARTA
  1. Hasil karya dikirim ke alamat : Kampus II UPN “V”,Gd Gatot Subroto lantai 1, Jl.Babarsari 02, Tambakbayan Sleman Yogyakarta 55281
  2. Penjurian tahap pertama          : 1 – 15 Oktober 2012
  3. Penjurian tahap kedua             : 16 – 30 Oktober 2012

Tim Juri
*(Masih dalam Konfirmasi)

  1. Seluruh film yang masuk akan melalui tahap awal seleksi oleh panitia. Kriteria yang digunakan panitia adalah seluruh film peserta yang memenuhi persyaratan lomba yang dibuat oleh panitia.
  2. Setelah lolos tahap awal oleh panitia, film peserta akan masuk pada tahap penilaian juri pertama. Akan dipilih 15 film yang akan diumukan pada tanggal 1 November.
  3. Saat Screening film tanggal 30 November 2012, akan di pilih 1 film terfavorit yang akan di nilai oleh hasil polling penonton.
  4. Keputusan Juri dan polling akan menghasilkan:
            Film Terbaik                 : Trophy + Sertifikat + Uang Tunai 
            Ide Cerita Terbaik        : Trophy + Sertifikat + Uang Tunai Rp 
            Teknis Terbaik             : Trophy + Sertifikat + Uang Tunai Rp 
            Film Terfavorit             : Sertifikat + Uang Tunai

  1. Seluruh pemenang dan penyerahan hadiah akan diumumkan pada acara Malam Puncak AVFEST pada Sabtu, 1 Desember 2012 yang bertempat di Kampus I UPN “Veteran” Jl. SWK 104 (Lingkar Utara) Condongcatur Depok Sleman DIY, 55283

Yang perlu di Perhatikan Oleh Peserta
1.      Peserta wajib memenuhi persyaratan yang diajukan oleh panitia.
2.   Peserta wajib memperhatikan format file film yang dikirimkan pada panitia. Panitia tidak akan    bertanggungjawab atas keping DVD yang tidak terbaca dan akan langsung gugur pada seleksi awal.
3.   Jika terjadi kerusakan fisik pada keping DVD dalam pengiriman, maka panitia akan menghubungi peserta untuk membicarakan mengenai tindak lanjut yang harus dilakukan.
4.    Seluruh Finalis 15 besar mendapatkan fasilitas penginapan dan snack selama 3 hari. Dan diharapkan hadir pada malam pembukaan, screening film dan malam puncak penganugrahan.
5.      Keputusan Juri mutlak dan tidak dapat di ganggu gugat.

Contact Person :
Dwi Much Ibramsyah : 085747846660
Nunik Hariyanti          : 085693502650


Selasa, 13 Maret 2012

The Most Powerful Weapon of Filmmaker

The most important low-budget filmmaker is creative mind. It all starts with the original idea, there is a question of nourishment that thought until it grows to be a great idea. After that, it's something to this idea of making the film in every ounce of energy and resources, you may be able to bring up.

Movies are the most successful film festivals these days with films that were made in a fraction of the cost required to make a major Hollywood film studio. Technological advances have made that anyone can make a film. Film cameras, video cameras, sound recording equipment, and almost any other type of equipment you need to make a film can be bought at a very affordable price today. The computer that is available these days can provide a low-budget film with a very low production value that looks like James Cameron had something to do with the project. This professional look, along with a unique story can help any film likely to be accepted into film festivals such as Busan Film Festival, AVFEST (AVIKOM Festival), Toronto Film Festival, Sundance, etc.

Try as they might, the major Hollywood film studios never have a monopoly on creativity. They spend millions of dollars on search marketing in an effort to understand exactly what the audience of the film is the appearance of the world when they go to the films. Despite these efforts, we still have not found a formula. The tastes of the people going to the films are hard to predict how an earthquake is on the ground changes all the time. Because of this, the door remains open for creative professionals in the world to enter the game. All you need to do is come up with a unique idea that can turn into a film, enter your film in festivals such as Sundance, and then let the judges decide. While large studies have attempted to take over the festival circuit in recent years, provided the children with small, however, films are king creative in this realm.

It does not cost as much as you might think to make a film, that you can participate in competitions such as the Sundance Film Festival. Sony plans to release a line of high-definition camcorders that are perfect for those who want to make films with small budget. Even if the films are made of these cameras is described as a "film" (as the films were from the beginning), are (almost) seem to have been. These new cameras are able to provide high quality images, which is comparable to the image that the film offers. Two cameras are the PDW-F330 and PDW-F350, and offer all types of film properties, even the most faithful to the film a professional director to be respected. Both cameras offer true 24p recording in SD or HD, interval recording of shooting and recording a pair of lenses. F350 model also offers true variable frame rate recording which is also called "slow motion / fast motion" features.

Features like this are invaluable for anyone to make a low budget film, because it allows them to include motion effects in their films without the help of a cheap film camera or a film lab to high prices . Both cameras will be on the market in March 2006. The F350 costs about 25 000, while the F330 model will cost only about $ 16,000. PDW-F30 decks will be available in June through the 9000th These are small prices to pay to be a self sufficient independent filmmaker.

A filmmaker on a budget you can invest in an HD video camera and relatively cheap housing and have everything you need to make films as well as the mind and body can handle. All you need after a creative mind, a few thousand dollars, some friends of his actors and ambitious team, the screenwriting software such as Final Draft and a strong desire to make a film. They do not have to worry about the high cost of film, developing film, or film to DVD transfer. All you need is your camera and a $ 30 drive (23.3 GB) and will be filming an entire film. Buy a camera records is much cheaper than the films and buying all the baggage that comes with it financial.

When they shoot their film with one of these cameras, a filmmaker on a budget goes directly to their computer with the disk and start editing it using one of the many editing programs available that are affordable to our days such as Final Cut Pro. They can do all the work of post-production for their films on their computer at home as long as they are willing to take a load of the mother of their professional responsibilities.

Technology has made independent filmmakers to bypass many costly steps in the process of the film. Instead of paying a lot of people in millions of rupiahs an hour to film services are available only in cities like Jakarta and Bandung, they can now do all of these steps in the comfort of their own home on their own computer.

For anyone who has ever had a dream of making his own film, there's no better time than now to get there. The playing field was leveled in terms of technology, but also need a creative story to get anywhere on the festival circuit. Affordable equipment can be put down, but we must make a good game to win. A creative mind is your best player in this game, so if you have that part in charge of you are half way to make your vision a reality film. Feed your creative idea until it becomes a single script, then devote his life to making the script into a film. If your idea is as good as you think it is what you will do very well on the festival circuit. If this happens, could lead to a distribution agreement decent film. If you stick with it and keep making films that you can even find that you have made a career as a professional artist who makes independent films, and that dreams really can come true.


Senin, 12 Maret 2012

Parts of The DSLR Camera.

Hello beraudiovisual's friends. This time I will discuss in simple terms and the parts contained DSLR camera. DSLR cameras are digital single lens reflex, meaning is a camera with a digital system (using the processor, chip, memory, and technological sophistication in capturing the image) that uses one lens mounted on the camera body. Reflex mirror inside the camera will go up when you press the shutter button and when the image sensors inside cameras will record an image. It may also said to the camera with the operating system such as komputer. There are parts of DSLR cameras.
1. Eyepiece (base currency) = holder for our eyes while looking into the viewfinder.
2. Viewfinder (viewfinder) = viewfinder using the method pentaprisma (pentagon shape) which is placed above the optical path through the lens to the image sensor plate. incoming light then reflected upward by a mirror (mirror reflection) and the pentaprisma. pentaprisma then reflects light several times through the viewfinder (viewfinder). When the shutter button is released, the glass opens the way for the light so that light can directly on the image sensor.
3. Image sensor (sensor image capture) = a sensor that is used to process and capture an image contained in a camera. size there are a variety of sensors, ie APS-C sized 15x23mm, 19x29mm APS-H size, and FULL-FRAME 24x36mm (with large size movie).
4. Flash (light like blits) = flash is usually used to help us in taking photographs in the dark.
5. Hotshoe (flash external holder) = a holder for an external flash that is usually located in the middle of the camera body. 6. Lens (lens) = a lens mount that is embedded in the camera body (lens body can be removed and replaced dr) that serves to focus the light to be able to captured by the image sensor. on the outside of the lens there is usually a three-ring, which ring the focal length (for variable type lenses), aperture ring and focus ring. there are 5 characters that lens, wide (wide), macros (enlarge), telephoto (zoom), tilt & shift and fish eye. and there are 2 types of lens fix (can not be changed, such as 50mm) and zoom (there rangenya like, 17-85mm). lenses also have a feature is (image stabilizer) to dampen vibration of the hand and USM (ultrasonic motor) to accelerate the search and silent focusing. * Code type is usm canon DLSR cameras. these features in any other DSLR camera lenses also exist, but the code name of the other but with the same function.
7. Lenshood = an addition on the lens to reduce excess light, the impact of flares and a protective front surface of the lens, and also as an addition to the display lens to look more frightening. * Remember: the use of hood that does not correspond to the series lenses will cause vignetting (vignetting = black spots on the sides of the tip of the image).
8. LCD monitor (LCD display) = to view images and monitor the results of modes that we use to take pictures.
9. Focal point = if you look into the viewfinder, then you'll see a tiny dots scattered (the number of points depending on the type and model of camera) where the focal point for helping you find focus images would be taken.
The sections above are the standard DSLR camera. Of course, each part can be utilized, so let's take the picture.