Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

Review of The Documentary

Much debate about the film, especially documentaries. The debate was still in the area around the basic understanding, whereas in countries where the documentary comes as France, Russia, Britain and others, the makers and teoritikusnya almost no longer talking about issues and facts of reality, but already more than that.

Beraudiovisual's friends, a decade later the phenomenon of filmmaking becomes stronger mainly due to the leap in video technology becomes a very affordable price. It's not strange when all of a sudden there are people who claim the director, whereas in the past things like that are very difficult to achieve. The development of this technology is also then makes the film is no longer exclusive, allowing anyone who can access it to make a movie.

Unfortunately it is not accompanied by a good understanding of film production itself, even the adoption of terms from the world of cinema in the west (United States) to be very arbitrary. For instance when one uses the term independent film maker, then almost everyone connected with the film translates as good as he thought. Some discussion did not even know where the term originated independently, to the extent that one is using words to search for that word Indies. And if you really read the history of film, especially in the United States, the term is not difficult to find even to its history.

Back again to the basic understanding of film production, a lot of filmmakers just know that when making the film grab a camera, shoot and get editing. In the world of documentary shooting themselves when they want to do is go to sources and interviews. After that they stayed to take pictures to match the contents of a modest interview. Now this can be seen, a lot of documentary makers were no longer understand about;

How do I tell a good one?
How to plan a documentary?
What is mise en scene to be recorded?
Is an important voice in the documentary?

But before any further into the issue, then it helps
beraudiovisual's friends see first what the definition of documentary, so it can facilitate or help for those who want to start it.

Definition Documentary
Indeed the word comes from the writings of John Grierson when responding to the films by Robert Flaherty, particularly Nanook of the North. The film lasts approximately 1.5 hours was no longer 'storytelling' Hollywood-style. Grierson then reiterated his view that what was done by Flaherty is a creative treatment of actual events that exist (the creative treatment of actuality).

Although this definition is to survive long enough, then sprang up of people who try to define the way each of the (arbitrary) such as those gathered try the following:

1. Paul Rotha:

Documentary definition is not referring to the subject or a style, but the documentary is an approximation. Approach in the documentary film in the film is different from the story. Not because they do not care about aspects of the craft / kerajianan (craftsmanship) in manufacturing, but intentionally just to show how the craft is used.

2. Paul Wells:

Non-fiction text that uses actual footage-footage, which includes a direct recording of events that will be presented and research materials related to the event, such as interviews, statistics, etc.. Such texts are usually presented from the point of view and focus on a particular social issues that it's possible to be able to attract the attention of his audience.

4. Steve Blandford, Barry Keith Grant and Jim Hillier:

Filming of the subject is a community event or a situation that actually happened in the world of reality and the outside world of cinema.

(The Film Studies Dictionary, page 73).

5. Frank Beaver:

A non-fiction film. Documentary films are usually in-shoot in a real location, do not use actors and its theme focused on subjects such as history, science, social or environmental. Basic objective is to give enlightenment, member information, education, persuasion and provide insight into the world in which we live.

(Dictionary of Film Terms, page 119)

6. Louis Giannetti:

Unlike most fiction films, documentaries dealing with the facts, like people, places and events and not made. The documentary makers believe they 'create' the world in the movie as it is.

(Understanding Movies, 7th Edition, page 339)

7. Timothy Corrigan:

A non-fiction film about people and events, often ignoring the traditional narrative structure.

(A Short Guide to Writing About Film, 4th Edition, page 206).

8. Michael Rabinger:

The documentary should be made with care and not just with our minds alone. The documentary exists to change the way we feel.

9. Ralph S. Singleton and James A. Conrad:

Film of an actual event. The events are documented by using ordinary people and not actors.

(Filmmaker's Dictionary, 2nd Edition, page 94)

10. Edmund F. Penney:

A type of film that does the interpretation of the subject and the background is real. Sometimes the term is widely used to show realistic aspects than the conventional story films. However, this term also has become narrow because it often presents only a series of images with narration and soundtrack of real life.

(Facts on File Film and Broadcast Terms, page 73).

11. James Monaco:

The term with a very broad meaning, basically used to refer to films or television programs that are not at present entirely fictitious nature.

(The Dictionary of New Media, page 94)

12. Ira Konigsberg:

A film is directly related to a fact and non-fiction are trying to convey reality and not an engineered reality. Films like this care about people's behavior, a place or an activity.

(The Complete Film Dictionary, 2nd Edition, page 103).

13. Gerald Mast and Bruce F. Mate

A non-fiction film that organized the factual elements and present, with a specific purpose.

(A Short History of the Movies, 7th Edition, page 64).

14. David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson

Indeed, it is interesting is what was said by David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson in Film Art: An Introduction, 5th Edition. He said that the core of the documentary is to present factual information about the world beyond the film itself. The difference with fiction is no engineering in the making good of the characters (human), space (place), time and events.

15. Misbach Yusabiran

Misbach Yusabiran through Writer, Armantono once said that the documentary is a documentation prepared creatively and aim to influence (to persuade) the audience. With this definition, the documentary often become very close to the films that nuanced propaganda. 

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Si Buluk, Corel, dan Facebooknya (Kebodohan ba'da subuh)

  Sahabat RUMAH TUJUH, kali ini aku mau cerita tentang kebodohan aku dan si buluk, Elan. kkk (belum apa apa udah ketawa aja) emang biasanya tiap hari aku dan temanku ini berbodoh ria, tapi kali ini beda. Karena apa? karena kebodohan kali ini aku masukin blog! kkk (gak penting

  Pagi ini, subuh tepatnya, aku dan Elan baru aja selesai sahur (dengan niat "Sahur aja dulu, puasa-nggak-nya liat enat) ck ck ck lagi-lagi bodoh! Sesuai perintah alam, aku pasti dan selalu langsung melanjutkan kegiatanku di depan laptop (kalo nggak Blogwalking, ya ngedit) dan Elan melanjutkan hobi barunya, ngedit di Corel. Kalo kata dia sih, Cah Corel! Dan yang sedang dieditnya adalah simbol-simbol Dewa Yunani untuk keperluan kegiatan kampus (CSC). 
Si Buluk yang kerjanya sekarang Ngedit di COREL :D
  Sambil menelusuri dunia maya, aku sesekali memperhatikan Elan yang sedang memindahkan file-file simbol Yunani yang sudah aku download-in. 
  Me : "Mau diapain toh?" 
  Elan : "Mau dirapihin. Ini enaknya diapain ya?"

Dan aku pun bingung. Lah? emang mau diapain lagi? dan Elan malah ngurak-atik simbolnya Athena, Si Burung Hantu. Ya ampun, itu mata burungnya ampe dicopot-copot gitu! Benar-benar kejam! Tak berperikebinatangan! ck ck ck. 
Elan dengan teliti membelah Si Burung Hantu yang malang itu menjadi beberapa bagian, lalu setelah matanya dicopot-copotin, giliran alisnya yang dibuat besar sebelah. 

Me : "El, kamu tuh editor loh, bukan dokter bedah plastik"
Elan : "....."
Huuu... nggak digubris. Ya udah mending online aja wuee :P 

15 menit kemudian....

Elan : "Ad, udah sama belum?"
Me : (berpaling dari laptop dan melihat hasil kerjanya di PC) "Udah" (padahal sebenarnya gak tau 'apa' yang sama dengan 'apa'?)

Elan : "ADUH!" 
Me : (terkejut) "Ngopo e?"

Dan... pertanyaanku terjawab saat melihat layar PCnya cuma ada gambar corel yang buram. Satu satunya yang tidak buram dilayar PC nya adalah kotak dialog kecil bertuliskan (NOT RESPONDING) 
hahaha... bisa ditebak apa yang terjadi pada Elan. PCnya nge-hang.

Elan lalu membanting diri di kasur sambil menelungkupkan badannya dan tangannya meremas rambut (sinetron banget!) 

 Elan : "ARRGGHH!!"
 Me : "Sabar El, derita editor. kkk. tunggu aja bentar, tar juga respond lagi kok" (dengan wajah polos)

dan aku langsung menyesal berkata seperti itu. karena sedetik kemudian, Elan langsung mengartikan kata "tunggu bentar" dengan merecoki aku yang sedang asik online.
Elan : "Aku lagi pengen mukul e rasanya! Ugh!" (tangannya menggantung diudara mencari sasaran)

aku cepat-cepat menghindar. 

Me : "Awas aja nyampe aku kena!"
Elan : "Yo wes! kene! aku online dulu!"

yup! apa kubilang. Pasti si buluk ini kalo gak ada kerjaan, ya langsung ngerecokin orang! huuuu...

Me : "Emoh! Aku masih online iki!"
Elan : "Cepet to! bentar aja!"
Me : "Ah! Kamu tuh! Mesti gitu. Ngerecokin aku terus.. Wooo!"

perdebatan diatas tak berarti. Karena hasilnya Elan tetap saja berhasil menguasai Laptopku. Hiks..

Elan mulai membuka situs Facebook. Dan muncullah kotak untuk mengisi Email dan Password.
saat itulah aku punya ide baguuusss!! kkkk
Mari aku jelasin. Jadi teman-teman, Mouse laptopku ini, masih aktif dan kebetulan sedang berada ditanganku! kkkk... Si Buluk Elan malah pakai Touch Pad. 

Nah, waktu Elan mulai mengetikkan password, diam-diam aku menggerakkan kursor (pakai mouse) dari kotak Password ke kotak Email.
Nah, Si Elan ini, saudara-saudara, masih kebiasaan kalau ngetik pasti ngeliatin Keyboardnya, bukan layarnya hahaha... maka muncullah!!! Password facebook sibuluk pun nampak setengahnya !! kkk Nih!
  Me : "OOOHH!! Jomblo toh passwormu! hahahah!!
  Elan : (kaget ) "Loh! kok! Asem!"
  Me : (ketawa ngakak sampai guling-gulingan)
  Elan : (membuat pengakuan tanpa diminta) "Iya e, aku nih Jomblo gara-gara passwordku"
  Me : (ngakak trus sambil ngawasin Elan yang mau mulai ngetik lagi.)

Saat ngetik, Elan berhetnti.

 Elan : "Jangan diliat toh!"
 Me : "Nggak kok! yeee..." (tapi tetap mengawasi)
 Elan : (ngetik sambil nutupin pandanganku dari keyboard)

hahhahaha... nggak tau dia kalo aku tuh ngawasi layarnya, bukan keyboarnya. Daaaan... waktu Elan masukin Password lagiiii.. HAHAHAH!! aku klik lagi ke kotak Email! dan nongol deh Bagian depan Paswordnya hahahahaha!!


 Me : (ngakak sampai sakit perut kkkkkk)
 Niti : (ketawa bego sambil ngecek tangannya, siapa tau gak sengaja dia nyentuh touchpad. Serius dia bingung kenapa selalu kursornya pindah ke atas)
Me : "Wah, ngerti aku, El! hahaha... ku bajak facebookmu habis ini hahaha!"

Elan tetap berusaha mengetik. Dan Yeaaahhh... lagi-lagi aku pindahin kursornya keatas. Dia bingung lagi sambil ketawa bego. hahahaha!! PUASS!!!

 Niti : "Kok bisa gini, Ad?? Kamu apain??"
Me : (nahan ketawa) "Lah? gak tau... orang kamu yang main kok."
Niti : (mengulangi untuk ke sekiiiiiiian kalinya kkkkk) "Ad? ini kenapa e?"

KLIK! bunyi Mouseku terdengar. ups!

Niti : "ASEM!" (serentak menertawai dirinya sendiri sambil menjambak-jambak rambutku trus ngelemparin aku pake bantal) 

saudara-saudara, ini adalah bentuk kekejaman! (kkkk)
Al-Hasil, aku dan Elan gak berhenti ketawa setengah jam lamanya kkkk... Tiap kali Aku ketawa lagi, Elan malah tambah malu sama dirinya sendiri ahahhaa.. ketawa tapi tetap sambil mengumpat dan memukul! (kayak anak monyet ngambek!) kkkkkk!! PUASSSS RASANYA HAHAHAHA!!

FYI : Elan udah ganti password kkk... emang enak...

Yah saudara-saudara... yang harus kalian ambil pelarjaran dari hal ini adalah...

- Belajarlah mengetik dengan lancar agar terbiasa mengetik sambil memperhatikan layar, bukan keyboardnya hahaha

- Saat Emosi, tenangkan dirimu dengan berwudhu, bukannya ngerecokin orang! kkk

- Jangan pernah mendoakan dirimu sendiri dengan kejelekan (misal : Jomblo) maka nanti akan menjadi kenyataan... hahaha... bayangkan saja kamu tiap hari buka FB, ngetik (aku jomblo aku jomblo aku jomblo) dikabulkan deh,... hihihi..

sebelum mengakhiri, kurang rasanya bila tidak menyimak ekspersi si buluk yang satu ini :

Elan : (membuat project corel baru) "Ya udah lah, ga pa pa, ulang aja deh" (dengan wajah santai dan ikhlas)

tapi anehnya dia bukan ngotak-atik corel, malah buka-buka folder. Dan terjawab saat mendadak.....

Elan : "Huaaaa..... masa gak ke-save tooohhhh!!! Huaaaa" (kaki digesek-gesek dilantai dan muka manyun kayak anak 5 Tahun ngambek) 

HAHAHAHA!!! (makanya! ngambek aja jaim! keluar dah tuh asli lu hihihi)

Semoga jadi editor yang profesional kelak ya Buluk.. dan semoga Pe-De-Ka-Te nya dengan "someone" yang sekarang ini bisa sukses hehehehe 

*just kidding for fun*


Fraud Click Pada Minggu Pertama

SHOCK! itu yang pertama aku rasakan ketika baru saja sebuah email masuk dari AdHitz dengan bunyi seperti ini. 

Nah lo? Berani sumpah aku gak pernah ngeklik sendiri. Atau? atau ada sebab lain ya kenapa bisa kayak gini? buat yang tau kenapa dan saran sarannya. Monggo dishare dong ke aku. makasih.

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Post Production

Hello beraudiovisual's friends. Post production is the place for the process after production (post production), ie the process of transferring / visual capture of a tape (VHS, SVHS, MiniDV, DVCAM, Betacam, etc.) into the form of computer files (avi, mpeg, etc), preparation of drawings / edit, adding audio as backsound, and the addition of sweeteners / visual accessories (graphic).

Captring and Editing software:
. Adobe Premiere
. Canopus Edius
. Final cut pro
. Sony vegas
. etc.

Editing itself is divided into two ways:
. Editing LINEAR, namely direct editing, maksudnye ... editing is done by using a VTR (video tape equipment to play.
. Non-linear editing, video editing using the computer through software editing tools. Editing this way should be through the process of capturing, transferring the video from tape to a computer pitanti FILE.

Audio editing software:
. Cool edit pro

Graphic / motion design software:
. Adobe Premiere
. Adobe after effects
. Adobe Photoshop
. Corel Draw
. 3ds max
. particle Illution
. etc.


Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

History of Indonesian Film

Hello beraudiovisual's friends. 'Indonesia' era talkies made 'in country' since 1931, through the film Atma De Vischer. Of course talk is more interesting than the silent film because it is easy to understand. A mixture of Malay language. Its theme was more varied as flowers from Tjikembang Roos, Indonesia Malaise, Sampek Eng Tay, Si Pitoeng, Raonah, Siloeman Pigs mating with Siloeman Monjet, Oeler Siloeman son, son Demon Tikoes, Lima Siloeman Tikoes and others. Nation stealth and legends of martial arts which inserts turned out to encourage natives to re-master the martial arts heritage, so perhaps at some time is needed to fight for independence. Film producer Tionghowa descent, among others, Wong Brothers, Koen Yauw Tan, The Teng Chun.

In 1937 there are only two films produced by the Java Industrial leaders under the title The Girl Chun Teng Jang Terdjoeal directed by Nelson Wong, tells the story of love and Oey Nio Han Peng Koen. Artists and actors mostly descendants Tionghwa. There are also films Boelan Light (Het Eilan Der Droomen) Anif production directed by Albert Balink Roekiah star and the then legendary Mochtar Rd.
In 1940, the product is very popular dramas such as population Bajar With Spirit, Dasima, Treasure Bloody, Kartinah. Ketawa guise, Kris Mataram, Matjan Whispering, Jasmine van Agam, Ka Toedjoeh Heaven, Heaven Palsoe,, Zoebaida. Flying is the name Roekiah, Mochtar Rd, Rd Djoemala, S Waldy and other indigenous people who became an idol.
In 1940 appeared Film Ordinance No. 507 on the Amendment and Completion of the Film Commission Film Commission Membership and Structure. Ordinance increasing and changing shows that the Netherlands is very concerned about setting the film in order to maintain 'security' colony.
Mother's Tears film produced in 1941, which carved a big name Fifi Young. Greater variety of film genres are drama, crime, fiction, action, comedy and more. This is reflected in the film Tears IBOE, Jantoeng Heart, Eagle Land, Garoeda Mas, Fish Doejoeng, Koeda Sembrani, Land Leeches, Moestika of Jenar, Mega Mendoeng, Noesa Penida, Pah Wongso Suspect, Wolf Item, Tjioeng Vanara, Skull Hidoep etc.. There are at least 32 films produced that year. This is an achievement. Unfortunately in 1942 there was only 3 production. Understandably the world are experiencing difficult times due to World War II raged. Japan's entry into Indonesia with older brother who calls himself false promises will help Indonesia win independence. Apparently out of the Dutch East Indies colony is replaced by the same Japanese cruelty. Japan entered Indonesia in 1942. Initially we 'kesengsem' with new jargon that is Big Brother and the Greater East Asia. However in 1942 there is still a movie production include Boenga Sembodja, Seriboe Satoe, struggle. World War worsened and the film production is also reduced, but nonetheless in 1943 the Nippon Eiga Sha to produce a Japanese propaganda film about heiho. There are still two more films being produced is in the Village and The Tower. Towards the fall of Japan in 1944, there surprisingly is produced six films, among others, fell rafting, Waves, Hoedjan, Kris Poesaka, Ke Seberang, and a film titled Koeli and Romoesha, which is the Japanese propaganda that the fate romoesha better and respectable than the coolies in the Dutch colonial era. During the Japanese occupation there is famine because the Japanese foreign films banned foreign films go, worry will affect the people of Indonesia.
Japanese Military Government Film De Commissie be changed Kainen Odohan Nippon Bunka Sidhoso Sodosho or Cultural Center and the Japanese Military Government Propaganda (Sedenbu) in Indonesia This means that the film is more focused on the Greater East Asian propaganda and Big Brother. Towards the fall of Japan (1944) there are still producers who dare to produce films, among others, production Persafi funded by Nippon Eiga Sha said the director Rustam St. Palindih and a Japanese official who uses the name of Indonesia. Another wave Persafi production, Hoedjan, Kris Poesaka, Go Overseas. In those days there and Romoesha Koeli film - about the fate of glasses Romoesha Japan. Romoesha considered much more glorious future than the koeli pnjajahan Japan in the Dutch colonial era Japan. Frankly good so and so romusha same koeli suffering. After 1944, the status of film production experience fainting. Japan surrendered to the Allies and the independence of Indonesia was proclaimed on August 17, 1945. Win the war of independence affects the production of films which have joined the 'struggle' or deserted.
Since 1946 the Government of Indonesia put the Film Censorship Board is in the Department of National Defence and responsible to the Minister of Information. What is implied than explicit in this decision? The importance of cinema in the struggle that is able to enlighten and inflame the spirit of the people who are struggling. The film is an appropriate means of struggle for the Nation Soul of Smuggle.
After production of the film asleep - because of all the potential people spilled in fighting for independence, in 1948 the new world of film stretched again with 3 film is in Tjitaroem Flowing Tears (Tan & Wong Bros.) Orchid Boelan (South Pacific Film) and Djaoeh In the Eye (South Pacific film). In 1949 the life of passionate film again with 8 movies.
History of cinema began to crawl again in 1950. Independent spirit began to infiltrate in the creation stories, including the independent creativity. There are surprises in the world of Indonesian cinema in the film Between Earth and Sky - produced by Stichting Entertainment Mataram and PFN, directed by Dr. precariously genuinely named Hinatsu Eitaro, which was once the head of Java Engeki Kyokai-a play that famous at that time. The scenario is handled by the famous author Armijn Pane so that vibration literary feel. But the furor occurred because for the first time in the history of Indonesian film for daring to show the kissing scene between the star Bono's famous smooch with Grace. Protespun wave formations.
The 54-year period 'Between Earth and Sky', a wave of protest was repeated again in 2004 with game film Kiss I, the production of Multivision Plus leader Ram Punjabi with 'courage' kiss between Masayu Anatasia with Henky Y Kurniawan. I was so excited, the famous preacher Aa. Gym or KH Abdullah Gymnastiar, Professor Dr. Din Syamsudin that time was the Secretary General of the MUI and the princes of the five religions come to the office of LSF, because it gives Passed Sensor Letters. Also the mothers of various organizations protested, including the former Inneke Kusherawati bold and hot scenes featuring several other artists. Film Censorship became the target of protest. Finally, by the producer - in order to maintain unity and unity, pulling the film from peredara accordance with the decision of the Minister of Culture and Tourism, who was then occupied by Mr I Gde Ardika pulled from circulation in order to be revised and LSF then cancel the letter was also revised Sensor.Film Passed and then circulated back with a new title that is one kiss. If anyone protested, of course there is defended, among others Supporting freedom of expression because freedom berexpresi feel lost.
Encouraging in 1950 there were 24 national film production. It shows the spirit of building a movie, incredible. At that time the Government of the Republic of Indonesia put the Film Censorship Board in the Ministry of Education, Teaching and Culture (KDP). This shows that the 'emphasis' development of the film on the culture and education. Film is a medium that is considered capable of affecting the nation's culture, both positive and negative sides. The film is also a means of education for the children of the nation. At that time the arch-rivals Indonesia film is a film from India, Malaysia and the Philippines who master-class cinemas 'bottom' where people could watch, while the middle and upper-class cinema films dominated the American, European, and Chinese! Rival imported films makes the development of Indonesian films gasping for air. To overcome that residents will love the film production in the country held the Indonesian Film Festival, but not yet in a form such as FFI today. Nevertheless Film Festival to be an effort to increase the appreciation of film by the nation itself, so that might be able to compete. At least the film by our own people liked the people themselves.
Film imports came crashing like a flood, particularly from America. Formed the Association of Motion Picture of America in Indonesia (AMPAI). Foreign films were loved, like a king in the realm of Indonesian cinema, and even determine the taste. Film Indonesia are still weak even more difficult to develop. Fortunately there was a figure Usmar Ismail, who succeeded in making the film Blood and Prayer or the Long March which tells the journey as a long march the warriors of the West Java Yogyakarta. Shooting first performed in Purwakarta, on March 30, 1950. Historic date was later ordained into the National Film Day. . In that year there are 23 films being produced. It should be noted that the film Blood and Prayer've had cuts by the Film Censorship Board, but still outstanding menunai after protests from various areas, among others, from the Armed Forces as it is associated with the DI / TII in West Java.
Exciting period came when in 1951, where production of the film reaches the peak of development. In addition to the Golden Arrow, there Persari, Star Soerabaya, PFN, Stars, Thung Nam Film, Perfini and others .. 64 films produced that year. New stars emerge and the public loved. There is a film Six Hours In Yogyakarta, Budi Utama, Flowers Nation, Almost Night in Yogyakarta, Girls Sports, Fooling around So For real, Heroes, The Lame, shackled and much more. Increased producer also means increased production and arts fields as well as more varied themes. Until now the number has not been unchallenged.
In 1955 exactly 30 March to 5 April before the first election - held the Indonesian Film Festival for the first time. Chairman of the FFI is Djamaluddin Malik and his deputy RM Sutarto. This is a good combination because the combination ynng Djamaluddin Malik as dedengkot film and RM Sutarto as a bureaucrat who understands the movie. Honorary Chairman of the Jury was Professor and Chairman Johan Bahder Sitor Situmorang Jury selected - a humanist. This is a milestone and a record of its own, since the Government began to pay serious attention to the development of world cinema that have good impact on the socio-cultural or economic. Unfortunately, FFI and then held again after 5 years ie in 1960, with trophy trophy called FFI.

Be A Cameraman

Hello beraudiovisual's friends. Did u know, being a cameraman is a challenge. For beraudiovisual's friends who want to become a cameraman, these are important things you should know.
Camera Language

Camera language is the language of international broadcast standards. So the language is commonly used in any television station.

ECU: Extreme close-ups (a detail shot)

VCU: Very close-up (shot face, from forehead to chin)

BCU: Big close-ups (whole head)

CU: Close-up (from head to chest)

MCU: Medium close-up (from head to

MS: Medium shot (whole body before the foot)

Knee: Knee Shoot (from head to knees)

MLS: Medium long shot (whole body)

LS: Long shot (whole, ¾ to 1 / 3 screen height)

ELS: Extra long shot (XLS), a more extreme long shot

Zoom In: Object as if it came to kameraZoom Out: Object as if away from the camera

Pan Up: The camera moves (up) to the top

Pan Down: The camera moves down

Tilt Up: same as the pan up

Tilt Down: the same as the pan down

Pan Left: The camera shifts to the left

Pan Right: The camera shifts to the right

Track In: ​​The camera tracks (moved) closer to the object

Track Out: The camera tracks (moving) away from the object

Dolly In: the same track in

Dolly Out: same track out

For this type of shot that is often used is:

Long Shot or Full Shot, overall
Wide Shot or Cover Shot, the whole object in the scene
Tight Shot or Close Shot, visible detail
Shooting Groups of people, can be single shot, two shot, three shot etc. the whole picture.

Types of Cameras

Studio Cameras

The camera of this type in addition to having its own capabilities there are also some adjustment is controlled, the tool named camera control unit or better known as the CCU. As with other types of camera systems, studio cameras will be resting on alignment circuits but the digital techniques now have pre-set at all tuning circuitry, especially in a modern studio camera.
Due to the size of the studio cameras are very severe then the studio cameras are usually mounted on a dolly to be moved or shifted subtly.

Broadcast Camera Portable
The camera of this type is more slender, suitable for use in studios and in the field. With a zoom lens and the viewfinder is larger then the portable cameras are also used in the production studio. And because it is more slender than studio camera, the camera unit is able to work in the field directly. Portable camera has all the necessary circuitry and has an automatic functions. The camera of this type also has a videotape recorder as part of the camera body. Lightweight Lightweight Camera or Camera For the needs of manufacturers in the field also makes the type of camera light. Similar to the type of portable cameras, but these types of cameras even smaller. Can be used hand-held or tripod use. Small Camera This camera is more popularly known as camcorders. Kind of small, made as consideration for a cheap price. Used for home use, camcorders often found on the market. Electronic Sinematrography this camera type is the type of television camera designed with characters who resemble movie cameras. Using a tape which then transferred into celluloid form.

Parts of the Camera

Normal television cameras specially designed to suit specific applications. A studio camera for example, has a large viewfinder so the cameraman can easily correct the focus accurately. A news cameraman would be more comfortable with a compact camera as it is easy to carry even have to move where. Lens of the camera lens is the "eye" that berfugsi receive images naturally. The camera lens has peyesuai area, this type of lens called a zoom lens., But a fixed lens system most widely used. Beam Splitter (splitter light) In the system of color tv, color natural images sebenanya divided into three identical versions of the light is red, green and blue direflesikan of a subject. This can be done by three methods, namely

Dichroic mirror
Special block prism
or striped Filter

The camera tube, solid-state image sensors (CCD) Simply put, the top of the television cameras have 3 componen tube, divided into red, green, and blue in color images. Information in detail and brightness (luminance) emitted from the received composite color wave. CCD video camera now has a sophisticated, according to the types of cameras who were excluded. The location of the viewfinder Viewfinder lajimnya at least over the camera or on the left side of the camera. Viewfinder has yayar monochrome or black and white, but now there is also that already has a color screen. Mounting the camera mounting is the very bottom of the camera that function to rest the camera on a tripod, so the camera can be moved as desired from the cameraman.

Camera Control

All types of cameras have three sequence control: To re-adjustment during the retrieval gambarPenyesuaian diinginkanAtau condition when the change when the camera is "silenced alone". In most studio cameras tuned control on CCU separate from the camera. A Man CCU will control the color balance of light and dark and the other so the resulting images can be maximized. So a cameraman will concentrate on the framing alone. The question is, what if the cameraman using a portable camera or camera combo So the camera settings a cameraman must have the ability to set the camera settings. Camera Lenses camera lens camera is the eye or heart of the camera itself, a cameraman should be concerned right. System on the camera lens normally has three adjustment or adjustments that can be adjusted manually or semi-automatic. Focus, setting the distance where the image should be clear / fokus.f-stop, setting the variable iris diaphragm in lensaZoom, change the focal distance (focal length) adjusted how many views / images can be achieved. Overall that can be done on the control lens is that image or shot can be clear / focus, the image can have a depth or depth of field fine day, shot a good angle, and the "size" of the desired image. Angle lenses generally have a proportion of 4:3 television screen. The camera lens can normally capture images with the same proportion, 4:3. This becomes the reference count of how we can harness angle lens or angle lens. In addition to the normal lens, there are also narrow lens for shooting distant and widelens, to get an image more broadly. Control the zoom control serves to zoom closer to or away objects. This key code found on the W (wide angle) and T (Telephoto). If the zoom button is pressed on the W code then the picture or object appear closer (zoom in), if the zoom control dg T code pressed then the object will stay away (zoom out). Focus To make the image into focus, set or adjust the lens focus ring rotat. It can also be adjusted by changing the zoom control. Focus will also be much easier if the object that we have enough light shooting. f-numbers (f-stops) f-stop can actually be counted. It's just like the still photo lens (tustel). These figures are f/1.4 2 2.8 4 5.6 8 11 16 22 32. In fact these figures could be 3.5 4.5 3.6 typically used. For example in the first aperture of f / 8 to f / 4 means brighter images fourfold. In order to have a good depth of field should have adequate lighting. Exposure and Iris People often assume that a good picture is a bright picture. In fact this is not always true. The truth is that if an object has the correct tones. In a standard camera has an auto-iris, if this facility is enabled, then the lens will automatically set them, open the lens cavity. Auto-iris is useful when a cameraman have to move around the place where the lighting is not necessarily the same. Unfortunately, if this facility is used sometimes object to be not constant. So the good news is that this facility is used first, then use a manual iris. If moving the location or do it with different lighting auto iris back, estela it back to manual.

Types of Mounting


Camera Tripod

Collapsible Tripod
Pneumatic Tripod
Rolling Tripod or Tripod Dolly

Camera Pedestal

Pedestal Field

Pedestal Studio

Camera Crane

Motorized dolly
Large cranes

Special Mounting

Low shot (Low tripod, high hat, camera SLED)

High Shot (Camera Clamp, Hydraulic platforms, SkyCam)

Equipment should be prepared before shooting

In order not to miss any shooting equipment, usually made Pre-rehearseal checkout list. Among them:

Preliminaries (camera checked whether alive? Or need to warm up first)
Camera cable (make sure all the cables nicely)
Mounting / placemat camera
Cable guards (serves to secure the camera)
Lens cap (lens cover), so the lens is dust and so on.
Focus (check whether the focus is good)
Zoom (checks whether the zoom can run normally)
Camera Batteries

Adobe Premiere Pro Tutorials

Hello beraudiovisual's friends. Adobe Premiere is one of the software is popular and widely used
in video editing. There is the same interface of Adobe Premiere with Adobe PhotoShop and Adobe After Effects is to provide convenience in use, image - the image can prepared with Adobe Photoshop and effect - special effects can also be prepared from adobe after effect.

Basic introduction

Previous Ensure that Adobe Premiere Pro already installed, now we start by opening the Adobe Premiere Pro Go to Start> Programs> Adobe> Adobe Premiere Pro, Premiere will ask us whether we will open the file existing, or creating a new file for this exercise we will make a new file.

And subsequently appeared with the New Project window by clicking on the Custom tab
Setting, In the General frame, since we we'll make a better video file we choose
- Editing Mode Video for Windows,

- Time base 25.00 frames per second, In Frame Video we fill
- Frame size 720h: 576V
- Frame rate: 25.00 frames / second
- Pixel Aspect Ratio: D1/DV PAL In Frame Audio we fill:
And if it will save this setting we press the button SavePreset, we fill it name and descristion, and  utomatically we will look at the settings tab Load Preset, we save the project file (ex: training) it’s up to you determine the location of the project file us.
 Now we enter Project exercises

Project windows consists of 3 main windows:
1. Project windows, a place to store the project file
2. Monitor windows, is the place to see the video, which we edit in the timeline
3. Timeline windows, we make the process of editing place

Import File

To make editing a video, first we import our files to need, by clicking File menu> Import (Ctrl + I) or right click on windows project and select import, here we are biased to import video files, audio and image. In the project we can make Bin the windows (like folders in Windows Explorer).