Much debate about the film, especially documentaries. The debate was still in the area around the basic understanding, whereas in countries where the documentary comes as France, Russia, Britain and others, the makers and teoritikusnya almost no longer talking about issues and facts of reality, but already more than that.
Beraudiovisual's friends, a decade later the phenomenon of filmmaking becomes stronger mainly due to the leap in video technology becomes a very affordable price. It's not strange when all of a sudden there are people who claim the director, whereas in the past things like that are very difficult to achieve. The development of this technology is also then makes the film is no longer exclusive, allowing anyone who can access it to make a movie.
Unfortunately it is not accompanied by a good understanding of film production itself, even the adoption of terms from the world of cinema in the west (United States) to be very arbitrary. For instance when one uses the term independent film maker, then almost everyone connected with the film translates as good as he thought. Some discussion did not even know where the term originated independently, to the extent that one is using words to search for that word Indies. And if you really read the history of film, especially in the United States, the term is not difficult to find even to its history.
Back again to the basic understanding of film production, a lot of filmmakers just know that when making the film grab a camera, shoot and get editing. In the world of documentary shooting themselves when they want to do is go to sources and interviews. After that they stayed to take pictures to match the contents of a modest interview. Now this can be seen, a lot of documentary makers were no longer understand about;
How do I tell a good one?
How to plan a documentary?
What is mise en scene to be recorded?
Is an important voice in the documentary?
But before any further into the issue, then it helps beraudiovisual's friends see first what the definition of documentary, so it can facilitate or help for those who want to start it.
Definition Documentary
Indeed the word comes from the writings of John Grierson when responding to the films by Robert Flaherty, particularly Nanook of the North. The film lasts approximately 1.5 hours was no longer 'storytelling' Hollywood-style. Grierson then reiterated his view that what was done by Flaherty is a creative treatment of actual events that exist (the creative treatment of actuality).
Although this definition is to survive long enough, then sprang up of people who try to define the way each of the (arbitrary) such as those gathered try the following:
1. Paul Rotha:
Documentary definition is not referring to the subject or a style, but the documentary is an approximation. Approach in the documentary film in the film is different from the story. Not because they do not care about aspects of the craft / kerajianan (craftsmanship) in manufacturing, but intentionally just to show how the craft is used.
2. Paul Wells:
Non-fiction text that uses actual footage-footage, which includes a direct recording of events that will be presented and research materials related to the event, such as interviews, statistics, etc.. Such texts are usually presented from the point of view and focus on a particular social issues that it's possible to be able to attract the attention of his audience.
4. Steve Blandford, Barry Keith Grant and Jim Hillier:
Filming of the subject is a community event or a situation that actually happened in the world of reality and the outside world of cinema.
(The Film Studies Dictionary, page 73).
5. Frank Beaver:
A non-fiction film. Documentary films are usually in-shoot in a real location, do not use actors and its theme focused on subjects such as history, science, social or environmental. Basic objective is to give enlightenment, member information, education, persuasion and provide insight into the world in which we live.
(Dictionary of Film Terms, page 119)
6. Louis Giannetti:
Unlike most fiction films, documentaries dealing with the facts, like people, places and events and not made. The documentary makers believe they 'create' the world in the movie as it is.
(Understanding Movies, 7th Edition, page 339)
7. Timothy Corrigan:
A non-fiction film about people and events, often ignoring the traditional narrative structure.
(A Short Guide to Writing About Film, 4th Edition, page 206).
8. Michael Rabinger:
The documentary should be made with care and not just with our minds alone. The documentary exists to change the way we feel.
9. Ralph S. Singleton and James A. Conrad:
Film of an actual event. The events are documented by using ordinary people and not actors.
(Filmmaker's Dictionary, 2nd Edition, page 94)
10. Edmund F. Penney:
A type of film that does the interpretation of the subject and the background is real. Sometimes the term is widely used to show realistic aspects than the conventional story films. However, this term also has become narrow because it often presents only a series of images with narration and soundtrack of real life.
(Facts on File Film and Broadcast Terms, page 73).
11. James Monaco:
The term with a very broad meaning, basically used to refer to films or television programs that are not at present entirely fictitious nature.
(The Dictionary of New Media, page 94)
12. Ira Konigsberg:
A film is directly related to a fact and non-fiction are trying to convey reality and not an engineered reality. Films like this care about people's behavior, a place or an activity.
(The Complete Film Dictionary, 2nd Edition, page 103).
13. Gerald Mast and Bruce F. Mate
A non-fiction film that organized the factual elements and present, with a specific purpose.
(A Short History of the Movies, 7th Edition, page 64).
14. David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson
Indeed, it is interesting is what was said by David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson in Film Art: An Introduction, 5th Edition. He said that the core of the documentary is to present factual information about the world beyond the film itself. The difference with fiction is no engineering in the making good of the characters (human), space (place), time and events.
15. Misbach Yusabiran
Misbach Yusabiran through Writer, Armantono once said that the documentary is a documentation prepared creatively and aim to influence (to persuade) the audience. With this definition, the documentary often become very close to the films that nuanced propaganda.
Much debate about the film, especially documentaries. The debate was still in the area around the basic understanding, whereas in countries where the documentary comes as France, Russia, Britain and others, the makers and teoritikusnya almost no longer talking about issues and facts of reality, but already more than that.
Beraudiovisual's friends, a decade later the phenomenon of filmmaking becomes stronger mainly due to the leap in video technology becomes a very affordable price. It's not strange when all of a sudden there are people who claim the director, whereas in the past things like that are very difficult to achieve. The development of this technology is also then makes the film is no longer exclusive, allowing anyone who can access it to make a movie.
Unfortunately it is not accompanied by a good understanding of film production itself, even the adoption of terms from the world of cinema in the west (United States) to be very arbitrary. For instance when one uses the term independent film maker, then almost everyone connected with the film translates as good as he thought. Some discussion did not even know where the term originated independently, to the extent that one is using words to search for that word Indies. And if you really read the history of film, especially in the United States, the term is not difficult to find even to its history.
Back again to the basic understanding of film production, a lot of filmmakers just know that when making the film grab a camera, shoot and get editing. In the world of documentary shooting themselves when they want to do is go to sources and interviews. After that they stayed to take pictures to match the contents of a modest interview. Now this can be seen, a lot of documentary makers were no longer understand about;
How do I tell a good one?
How to plan a documentary?
What is mise en scene to be recorded?
Is an important voice in the documentary?
But before any further into the issue, then it helps beraudiovisual's friends see first what the definition of documentary, so it can facilitate or help for those who want to start it.
Definition Documentary
Indeed the word comes from the writings of John Grierson when responding to the films by Robert Flaherty, particularly Nanook of the North. The film lasts approximately 1.5 hours was no longer 'storytelling' Hollywood-style. Grierson then reiterated his view that what was done by Flaherty is a creative treatment of actual events that exist (the creative treatment of actuality).
Although this definition is to survive long enough, then sprang up of people who try to define the way each of the (arbitrary) such as those gathered try the following:
1. Paul Rotha:
Documentary definition is not referring to the subject or a style, but the documentary is an approximation. Approach in the documentary film in the film is different from the story. Not because they do not care about aspects of the craft / kerajianan (craftsmanship) in manufacturing, but intentionally just to show how the craft is used.
2. Paul Wells:
Non-fiction text that uses actual footage-footage, which includes a direct recording of events that will be presented and research materials related to the event, such as interviews, statistics, etc.. Such texts are usually presented from the point of view and focus on a particular social issues that it's possible to be able to attract the attention of his audience.
4. Steve Blandford, Barry Keith Grant and Jim Hillier:
Filming of the subject is a community event or a situation that actually happened in the world of reality and the outside world of cinema.
(The Film Studies Dictionary, page 73).
5. Frank Beaver:
A non-fiction film. Documentary films are usually in-shoot in a real location, do not use actors and its theme focused on subjects such as history, science, social or environmental. Basic objective is to give enlightenment, member information, education, persuasion and provide insight into the world in which we live.
(Dictionary of Film Terms, page 119)
6. Louis Giannetti:
Unlike most fiction films, documentaries dealing with the facts, like people, places and events and not made. The documentary makers believe they 'create' the world in the movie as it is.
(Understanding Movies, 7th Edition, page 339)
7. Timothy Corrigan:
A non-fiction film about people and events, often ignoring the traditional narrative structure.
(A Short Guide to Writing About Film, 4th Edition, page 206).
8. Michael Rabinger:
The documentary should be made with care and not just with our minds alone. The documentary exists to change the way we feel.
9. Ralph S. Singleton and James A. Conrad:
Film of an actual event. The events are documented by using ordinary people and not actors.
(Filmmaker's Dictionary, 2nd Edition, page 94)
10. Edmund F. Penney:
A type of film that does the interpretation of the subject and the background is real. Sometimes the term is widely used to show realistic aspects than the conventional story films. However, this term also has become narrow because it often presents only a series of images with narration and soundtrack of real life.
(Facts on File Film and Broadcast Terms, page 73).
11. James Monaco:
The term with a very broad meaning, basically used to refer to films or television programs that are not at present entirely fictitious nature.
(The Dictionary of New Media, page 94)
12. Ira Konigsberg:
A film is directly related to a fact and non-fiction are trying to convey reality and not an engineered reality. Films like this care about people's behavior, a place or an activity.
(The Complete Film Dictionary, 2nd Edition, page 103).
13. Gerald Mast and Bruce F. Mate
A non-fiction film that organized the factual elements and present, with a specific purpose.
(A Short History of the Movies, 7th Edition, page 64).
14. David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson
Indeed, it is interesting is what was said by David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson in Film Art: An Introduction, 5th Edition. He said that the core of the documentary is to present factual information about the world beyond the film itself. The difference with fiction is no engineering in the making good of the characters (human), space (place), time and events.
15. Misbach Yusabiran
Misbach Yusabiran through Writer, Armantono once said that the documentary is a documentation prepared creatively and aim to influence (to persuade) the audience. With this definition, the documentary often become very close to the films that nuanced propaganda.